Bästa New Orleans-mat: 10 Must-Try-rätter (+var)

Det finns gott om fantastiska städer i USA, var och en ger något som skiljer sig åt besökare. Det är svårt att välja en favorit, men om jag måste så väljer jag New Orleans.

Medan Crescent City är många välkända för sina massiva Mardi Gras-firande och andra episka New Orleans-festivaler, är detta också ett foodies paradis. New Orleans mat är extremt mångfaldig och är några av de bästa i landet.

Du kan ärligt planera hela din resa till New Orleans runt var och vad du äter.

Det finns så många vattniga rätter att försöka och ett överflöd av enastående restauranger att besöka. Du kan göra flera resor till staden och prova något nytt varje gång, och du kommer fortfarande bara knappt att repa ytan.

Jag har rest över hela mitt hemland och jag kan säga utan en skugga av tvivel om att New Orleans är min favoritstad för mat.

Jag älskar en bra bit av New York -pizza och jag är alltid nöjd med att krossa en Chicago -korv, men du kan bara inte slå sorten i New Orleans. Amerikansk mat kan anklagas för att vara något intetsägande, men det är verkligen inte fallet här!

Om du planerar en resa till New Orleans och undrar vad du ska äta är den här guiden för dig.

Läs vidare för en titt på den bästa maten i New Orleans, med rekommendationer för några av de bästa platserna för att prova varje maträtt.

Redo att komma in i de bästa New Orleans -rätter? Klicka här för att hoppa ner på sidan.

Vad är New Orleans mat?

Så vad är exakt New Orleans mat? Köket i Big Easy är en riktig smältkruka. Det påverkas av både Cajun och kreolska köket samt själsmat. Du undrar kanske vad skillnaden mellan Cajun och Creole är. Dags för en liten historielektion!

Kreolskt mat

Innan Louisiana var en del av USA var det en koloni i Frankrike och sedan Spanien. Creole hänvisar till de amerikanskfödda ättlingarna till de europeiska nybyggarna.

Franska nybyggare använde detta ord för att skilja mellan dem som föddes i Louisiana och de som föddes tillbaka i Frankrike. Denna term användes också för att beskriva ättlingar till afrikanska slavar och indianer som föddes i området.

Liksom folket är kreolska köket en sammansmältning av franska, spanska, afrikanska och indianska påverkan. Under åren påverkades det också av tyska och italienska invandrare såväl som köket som finns i andra delar av södra USA.

Cajun mat

Nu på Cajuns, som också är kända som akadier.

De är ättlingar till franska kolonister som förvisades från området i Kanada som kallas Acadia när briterna tog över.

Många av dem flyttade till Louisiana, eftersom det var en fransk koloni vid den tiden. De gifte sig med andra grupper, så många Cajuns idag har förfäder från platser som Irland och Tyskland.

Som ni kanske gissar har Cajun köket ett starkt fransk inflytande. Det betraktas som ett “rustikt” kök, vilket innebär att det förlitar sig starkt på lokala ingredienser och är relativt lätt att förbereda.

Det är inte nödvändigtvis kryddig, men det använder ett brett utbud av kryddor. Vi tittar på några av de bästa Cajun -maten i New Orleans på bara en minut.

Undrar du var du ska bo i New Orleans under din resa? Kolla in vår omfattande guide till de bästa hotellen på Bourbon Street, inklusive massor av information om det franska kvarteret.

Själsmat och skaldjur

Slutligen hänvisar soulmat till det köket som skapats av afroamerikanska ättlingar till slavar.

Med begränsade rationer och långa, krävande arbetsdagar kom de med hjärtliga, fyllande rätter med det lilla de hade. Soul Food Staples som majsbröd, stekt havskatt och collardgrönsaker med fläsk uppstod som ett resultat och är fortfarande mycket populära idag.

Tack vare sitt läge har Seafood mycket framträdande i Big Easy.

Det är här som Mississippifloden rinner in i Mexikanska golfen, så människor har enkel tillgång till både färsk och saltvattenfisk och skaldjur. Räkor, crawfish, ostron och krabba är alla vanliga ingredienser i New Orleans mat.

Nu när du vet om de olika matstilarna, låt oss ta en titt på några New Orleans välkända mat och måste-trånga rätter i staden.

Bästa mat i New Orleans: 10 Must-Try-rätter

Som ett resultat av blandningen av människor och kulturer i New Orleans finns det olika välsmakande, måste-försöksmåltider.

Vissa av rätter är mycket mer kända än andra, och även om det finns mycket mer än tio livsmedel du borde prova, här är några välkända New Orleans-rätter du inte vill missa.


När det gäller New Orleans mat, är en maträtt som alltid berör tankar Jambalaya. Detta är en kryddig enpottskål med ris och en blandning av Andouille-korv, kyckling och räkor.

Som vanligtvis är CASE Med New Orleans mat finns det en intressant backstory bakom denna maträtt.

Tillbaka när den spanska bosatte sig här hade de svårt att återskapa sin älskade paella på grund av höga skatter på saffran. Istället vände de sig till lokala ingredienser som saftiga tomater.

Det finns både en Cajun och en kreolsk stil i Jambalaya, som är beroende av användningen av tomater.

Du hittar vanligtvis Creole Jambalaya i New Orleans, som använder tomater. Men om du skulle resa till andra områden i Louisiana, hittar du Jambalaya-stil-som inte innehåller tomater i receptet.

Båda stilarna använder “heliga treenighet” av lök, selleri och paprika (vanligtvis gröna). Vitlök används också i Jambalaya, liksom ett brett utbud av kryddor som cayennepeppar, oregano, paprika och mer.

Det bästa med Jambalaya är att det finns så många olika sätt att laga det. Du kan prova det varje dag på din resa och inte ha samma upplevelse två gånger!

Detta kan bara vara den avgörande New Orleans -maträtten eftersom den finns över hela staden. Några av de bästa platserna att äta Jambalaya i staden inkluderar Mother’s och New Orleans Creole Cookery.

PO ‘pojkar

Po ‘Young Boys är en New Orleans -klassiker. Om du undrar var det intressanta namnet på dessa välsmakande smörgåsar kommer från, finns det en annan historisk lektion bakom sig.

Tillbaka år 1929 stod gatubilen i New Orleans i strejk. Ett par restaurangägare, tidigare gatubildirigenter, kom med en billig smörgås för att mata de hungriga, obetalda arbetarna.

De hänvisade till de slående arbetarna som “fattiga pojkar”, och namnet fastnade för smörgåstilen.

Det franska inflytandet på New Orleans-maten är klar igen, eftersom Po ‘unga pojkar serveras på en Baguette-stil bröd. Stekt nötkött har alltid varit en populär fyllning, inklusive en “slarvig” stil som är täckt av sås.

Idag är stekt skaldjursalternativ som räkor och ostron också alla raseri.

Oavsett vad du väljer du väljer, gör dig redo för en läcker smörgås och ett utmärkt exempel på New Orleans välkänd mat. När du beställer en po ‘pojke, be om den “klädd” om vill sallad, tomater, pickles och mayo.

Några av de bästa platserna för en Po ‘ung pojke inkluderar Domilise’s, Parkway Bakery & Tavern och Liuzza’s By Track.

Vill du tvätta din po’boy med en drink?! Missa inte vår lista över de 10 bästa New Orleans -barerna.


Crawfish – eller “lera buggar” som de är kända i Louisiana – är sötvatten kräftdjur som ser ut som små hummer. De är en stor sak här, så mycket att det till och med finns en hel festival tillägnad dem!

Våren är crawfish -säsong i Big Easy. Att gå till en crawfish-koka är ett måste om du går till den här tiden på året. Den kokta crawfisken serveras vanligtvis tillsammans med majs och potatis, vilket gör en mycket fyllande och tillfredsställande måltid.

Det finns många alternativ för kokt crawfish i New Orleans. Vissa platser lagar det upp varje dag, medan andra kokar bara en gång i veckan.

Några platser som rekommenderas inkluderar Bevi Seafood Co., Cajun Seafood och Frankie & Johnny’s.

En maträtt som alltid kommer upp på listor över den bästa maten i New Orleans är crawfish étouffée, som kommer från det franska ordet som antyder “att kväva.” Mudbugarna är säkert kvävda i en roux (en blandning av smör och mjöl) tillsammans med kryddor.

Liksom med många andra populära NOLA -rätter kommer crawfish étouffée i både Cajun och kreolska stilar. Bon Ton Cafe (UPDATE 2021: Denna restaurang är tillfälligt stängd, kom tillbaka), Felix’s och Chartres House (UPDATE 2021: Denna restaurang är tillfälligt stängd, kom tillbaka), är alla bra platser för att prova denna populära mat i New Orleans.

Missa inte en resa ut till New Orleans Swamp! Kolla in den här listan över de 7 Top Swamp Trips och gå ut på en resa efter att du är klar med att äta dig igenom staden.


Vi har redan täckt några av de bästa maten i New Orleans för en rejäl, fyllande måltid. Låt oss ta en snabb paus från all skaldjur och krydda för att tillfredsställa din söta tand med en klassisk NOLA -behandling – Beignets.

Dessa läckra bakverk introducerades av de franska hundratals år sedan, och de är verkligen höga ovanpå listan över New Orleans välkänd mat. Fyrkantiga bakverk av stekt deg, beignetter är kända som en munk utan hålet.

När de är heta och redo är beignetter dammade med pulveriserat socker. De är bäst ätit varma och fräscha, särskilt i par med en kopp café au lait.

Den många välkända platsen att få din beignetfix är verkligen Cafe du Monde (om du har sett filmenKock, det är här de provade Beignets!).

Det finns alltid en linje här, men den rör sig snabbt och det är värt det att korsa denna NOLA -häftklammer från din lista. Ett annat bra val är det 24-timmars morgonanropet som ligger i City Park.

Röda bönor och ris

Ingen lista över New Orleans mat skulle vara komplett utan röda bönor och ris.

Enkelt, fyllande och läckert, detta är en lokal favorit. Det är i huvudsak Bacon & Eggs of the Big Easy. Den legendariska musiker Louis Armstrong älskade det så mycket att han skulle underteckna brev “röda bönor & ricely dina.”

Röda bönor och ris gjordes vanligtvis på måndagar med hjälp av rester av fläskben från middagen kvällen innan. Detta gjorde för en enkel middag att förbereda när han tenderar till hushållsansvar som städning och tvätt.

Idag kan du glädja dig med röda bönor och ris varje dag i veckan.

Den kokas långsamt i en kruka tillsammans med den heliga treenigheten och en blandning av kryddor och serveras sedan över ris.

Liksom med många klassiska New Orleans -rätter kommer många lokalbefolkningen att säga att den bästa versionen kommer från deras mammas kök. Om du bara reser hit inkluderar några populära platser att gnälla på röda bönor och ris Joey K’s, Mother’s och Coop’s (som bara är 21 och bara över).


En av de mest klassiska kreolska rätter som tillagas i Nola är Gumbo. Det är så populärt här nere att det faktiskt är den statliga maträtten i Louisiana! Naturligtvis finns det också en Cajun-snurr på denna New Orleans välkända mat.

Inga två krukor med gumbo är lika, eftersom alternativen är obegränsade när det gäller att göra denna hjärtliga gryta. Nästan alla typer av kött eller skaldjur kan användas i gumbo.

Ett förtjockningsmedel som Roux, Okra eller filépulver används också tillsammans med den heliga treenigheten av grönsaker och en mängd kryddor.

Återigen visar maten New Orleans en smältkruka med påverkan med gumbo. Du har Roux från Frankrike, okra från Västafrika, sassafras från indianer och korv från Tyskland.

Många utomstående förvirrar gumbo och jambalaya, eftersom diskarna är lite lika.

Den största skillnaden är att gumbo serveras på ris, medan riset faktiskt är tillagat med Jambalaya. Båda har så många olika val för ingredienser att alternativen verkligen är oändliga.

Gumbo är på menyn över hela det stora, men några av de bästa platserna att prova är Gumbo Shop, Mr. B’s Bistro och Dooky Chases.

Bananer foster

När du behöver tillfredsställa din söta tand i New Orleans, var noga med att prova bananer.

Denna klassiska efterrätt skapades bäst här i NOLA på 1950-talet på Brennan’s Restaurant-som också är en av de mest populära platserna att prova välkända cocktails i New Orleans.

Vid den tiden var New Orleans ett stort nav för bananer som kom in i USA från Central- och Sydamerika.

Kocken Paul Blange skapade en maträtt bestående av bananer med en sås gjord av smör, rom och brunt socker. Han namngav det efter Richard Foster, en lokal företagsledare och vän till ägaren.

När de är blötade i såsen är bananerna inställda i en teknik som kallas Flambé. Elden brinner faktiskt av alkoholen men lämnar den smokey smaken av romen. Det är vanligtvis tillagat vid ditt bord och serveras med vaniljglass.

Naturligtvis förblir Brennans go-to place att prova denna välkända New Orleans-mat. Över på Hansen’s kan du prova en annan klassisk New Orleans efterrätt som kallas en Sno-Ball och få den med en bananer Foster-toppning.


Det har hittills varit många franska och spanska influenser i det här inlägget, men vi har italienare att tacka för Thi

4 restaurants We tried in Pampanga: A Food excursion travel plan

When TLC invited us to join them in retracing Anthony Bourdain’s steps in touring Pampanga, we were absolutely psyched. We’re fans of great food and fans of Bourdain, so we started off bright and early to join TLC and SkyCable for the FoodSteps Culinary excursion in Pampanga for a day of eating and learning.

This post is brought to you by TLC Asia.As we stepped into our ride by The Luxe Bus, we knew we were in for a treat. It was the swankiest bus we’ve ever been in, and there were two attendants who cheerily welcomed us in and immediately handed us a menu of drinks that they could prepare for us the whole trip whenever we wanted, and however much we wanted to get. There were also two widescreen televisions that were showing Bourdain’s show parts Unknown, that got us psyched (and hungry) for what was to come. We bought a couple of waters and cappuccinos to perk up our bodies and freshen our minds before our first stop, Kusina Matua ni Atching Lilian.

Vad behandlas i den här guiden?

1. Kusinang Matua ng Atching Lilian Borromeo
2. Bale Dutung by chef Claude Tayag
3. Susie’s Cuisine
4. cafe Fleur

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1. Kusinang Matua ng Atching Lilian Borromeo

Address: Brgy. Parian, Mexico, Pampanga

Lilian Borromeo is a force to be reckoned with. When we arrived she was organizing the buffet of Kapampangan breakfast dishes including tamales, meatloaf, longganisa, dinuguan, and a host of several other dishes that were homemade and served fresh. We filled ourselves with breakfast while she went around, made sure the buffet was refilled before dishes ran out, and spoke to a few of us. She said she was a fan of Anthony Bourdain, but did not know exactly who he was, self-deprecatingly saying “Pag matanda ka na di mo na inaalam talaga, basta papanoorin mo kapag nandiyan” (When you’re older, you don’t really pay attention, but you enjoy when you see them).

San Nicolas cookies ingredients, Kusina Matua
She started her demo of baking the popular Panecillos San Nicolas and shared her experiences of making them. captivating and humble, she told us why she’s making sure the recipes of the 16th century are still in circulation, saying there are people making old things new, but that she wants to start from the root and make sure the original recipes aren’t forgotten.

Unlike a lot of chefs, she shares all her secrets and tricks with the crowd, and lightheartedly cracked jokes often, with a demeanor that only endeared her a lot more to everyone. We listened and asked questions, and after the demo, the line to take pictures with her was understandably long as we all wanted to remember this sweet, incredible woman who is living gracefully, and so joyfully.

2. Bale Dutung by chef Claude Tayag

Address: Paul Ave, Angeles City, Pampanga

Happily filled with breakfast, we piled into our Luxe Bus again and travelled the 30 minutes to Bale Dutung, Claude Tayag’s family home. We knew we were in for a treat, as we had been told that ten courses would be served, the food that Bourdain had eaten when he had visited, plus a few a lot more courses to complement those. starting off with a salad, we ate leisurely through the ten courses, with chef Claude introducing each course with the history and background of each dish. While each course had its own appeal, our table raved about the lumpiang ubod, adobong pugo and the seafood kare-kare.

Kare-kareng Laman Dagat, Bale Dutung
Piniritong Lumpiang Ubod, Bale Dutung
Paradiso, Bale Dutung
One woman at the other table even cried after being asked how she liked the kare-kare, saying it was the best kare-kare she’s ever had. four hours of eating did not seem quite enough to absorb all of the information and delectable quality of each plate set before us, and we left moaning in contentment to head to our next stop.

3. Susie’s Cuisine

Not really a restaurant. a lot more like a food store. Susie’s Cuisine did not leave us wanting, and sent us bags of Pampanga’s best kakanin, and until a few days later (with a ton of restraint to not eat it all in one sitting), we were still enjoying their sylvanas, and our favorite, carabao milk pastillas, best with a cup of coffee for merienda.

4. cafe Fleur

Address: 463B Miranda St, Angeles City

Café Fleur was the last stop for our Pampanga food tour, and while we thought we couldn’t fit in another bite in our bellies, the cooking demos by the three in house chefs of Tamales Pampaguena, Okoy and Sisig got us ecstatic for the food att komma.

Crispy Okoy and Shrimps by cafe Fleur
Sisig by cafe Fleur
As chef Chloe explained, the street food served in the café are elevated concepts to not just look great, but use herbs they grow in the garden, and are made of ingredients sourced locally. With a backdrop of the old house they converted into the multi-concept restaurant, it was the best end to the day.

Every stop we went to, while using different cuisine,Alla hade samma saker gemensamt: människor som åtagit sig att visa det bästa av vad Pampanga har att erbjuda och en passion för att göra saker läckra. Det var en glädje att uppleva och vara i närvaro av människor som är stolta över sig i deras regions köket och delar sin kompetens till både lokalbefolkningen och utomstående. Världen är redo för filippinsk mat och var bättre att börja men hemma, smakar vad våra lokala kockar har att erbjuda och dela den med världen. Vi lämnade dagen starkare av vårt arv som filippinare, och som ätare, för att ha gått igenom det maraton för att äta och levt för att berätta den välsmakande berättelsen.

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Top 9 Istanbul vacationer Attractions: A diy walking excursion

Istanbul has lots of off-the-beaten-path attractions, however don’t leave the city without seeing its top vacationer sites. They’re prominent for a reason. a lot of of these are part of the “Historic areas of Istanbul,” inscribed on the world Heritage listing in 1985. This path will take you on a excursion around these famous spots. It is a combination of walking as well as utilizing Istanbul’s pleasurable tram line.

Vad behandlas i den här guiden?

Preparing for this Tour
1. Grand bazaar (Kapalı Çarşı)
2. Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmed Mosque)
3. Hippodrome of Constantinople (Sultanahmet Square)
4. Basilica Cistern
5. Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya)
6. Topkapi Palace
7. flavor bazaar (Mısır Çarşısı)
8. Galata Bridge (Galata Köprüsü)
9. Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi)
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Preparing for this Tour

This is a long excursion as well as will take an entire day. To prepare for this, take not of the following:

Äta frukost. This excursion starts from 8:30am as well as ends at nightfall. Make sure you have had breakfast before starting the tour.

Wear a great pair of walking shoes. All stops in this path is linked by the T1 Bağcılar- Kabataş tram, a however I suggest that you do some parts on foot so you might see a lot more of the city at a slower pace.

Koppla upp dig. This is a do-it-yourself tour, which indicates that you will not have a excursion guide to show you around. Instead, I strongly suggest that you make sure you’re linked so you might quickly get a lot more info on the internet must you stumble upon something that catches your attention.

Istanbul’s new Mosque at sunset

Wear long pants as well as top with sleeves. You will be checking out a mosque with a strict gown code. a lot more details below.

Beware of scams. like a lot of touristy cities, Istanbul has its share of people trying to take advantage of unsuspecting visitors. always be mindful of your possessions as well as surroundings. a lot more info here: top 5 Istanbul Scams.

Don’t fail to remember to have lunch. Although this path doesn’t have a lunch stop, don’t fail to remember to stop as well as refuel. You’ll discover restaurants around the area. What we did though was just munch on street food every now as well as then, so we never truly felt hungry.

1. Grand bazaar (Kapalı Çarşı)

Nearest tram station: Beyazıt-Kapalıçarşı
Entrance fee: FREE
Opening hours: Mondays-Saturdays 08:30am-7pm

The path starts at the Grand Bazaar, one of the oldest covered markets in the world. To get here, you may take the T1 Bağcılar-Kabataş tram to Beyazıt-Kapalıçarşı station. It’s just a short walk from there. (The bazaar is on your ideal if you’re coming from Kabatas.)

Grand Bazaar
Inside Grand Bazaar
This huge labyrinthine market homes 61 streets under one roof, harboring around 3000 shops, selling a large variety of products. rugs as well as lamps are two of the most common. The building of this massive site began in 1455 ideal after the Ottomans had taken over the city.

It is simple to get lost here. If you have an Web connection as well as a Google maps app, you must be fine. You can walk to the next stop (which is the Sultanahmet Mosque). If not, just exit where you went into so you might discover your method back to the tram station. then get off at the Sultanahmet Station.

2. Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmed Mosque)

Nearest tram station: Sultanahmet
Admission Fee: FREE

Blå moské
Coming from the Grand Bazaar, you’ll really pass with the Hippodrome of Constantinople to get to Sultanahmet Mosque. However, I’m putting the mosque ahead of the square since of its challenging schedule. The mosque is a working home of worship, which indicates that they have to close it to tourists during prayer, which occurs five times a day (from sunrise up until nightfall). Each pray time lasts 90 minutes.

The mosque available to tourists at these times:

The mosque opens at these times:
The mosque closes at these times:




I’m putting this ahead so you would understand what to do. If you show up in the area when it’s available to tourists, perfect. Go inside the mosque. If it’s closed when you get there, check out the square as well as most likely the Basilica Cistern very first as well as then come back when it’s open. You can come at least 30 minutes before opening time so you have time to check out the outside of the building.

The Sultanahmet Mosque is a lot more casually referred to as Blue Mosque for the blue tiles that dominate its interior. It was named after Ahmed I, who ruled the city when it was developed between 1609 as well as 1616. He had it built as a testament to the Ottoman power, symbolically putting it between the Hippodrome of Constantinople as well as the Hagia Sophia. Marrying the Byzantine Christian as well as standard Islamic designs, the mosque is crowned with 13 domes (5 huge as well as 8 smaller) aswell as six minarets.

Inside the blue Mosque look at those domes!
Dress Code at Sultanahmet Mosque
Take note of these upon entering the mosque.

Remove your shoes before entering the mosque. They will supply a little plastic bag where you can put your shoes. There are likewise little open lockers where you can temporarily location your plastics.

Follow the gown code above. For men, make sure you wear long pants. For women, wear something that can cover below the knees as well as cover your head. You can likewise get a head cover at the entrance (free of charge).

No flash photography.

3. Hippodrome of Constantinople (Sultanahmet Square)

Nearest tram station: Sultanahmet
Entrance fee: FREE
Opening hours: all the time

Sultanahmet Square
Just outside the blue Mosque lies the Hippodrome of Constantinople, a lot more popularly called today as Sultanahmet Square. The word hippodrome actually indicates “horse way” in Greek. The site was a equine as well as chariot racing location during the Byzantine era.

A number of historic artifacts still make it through here, including the Obelisk of Thutmose III, the Walled Obelisk, as well as the serpent Column.

German Fountain. On the northern end of the square is the German Fountain, a neo-byzantine gazebo with octagonal dome as well as gold mosaics. It was made in Germany however was later transported to Istanbul in 1898. This was the site of the bombing of 12 January 2016, less than a month before my visit. It was really rather freezing when I was right here in spite of the occurrence staying fresh in everyone’s memory. however there was no concern around. (If people were afraid, they wouldn’t be here.) however I felt a bit uneasy.

Obelisk of Theodosius. originally understood as Obelisk of Thutmose III, it was very first erected at the Karnak temple complex in Egypt under the command of Pharaoh Thutmose III who ruled between 1479-26 BC. however in Year 357, Roman Emperor Constantius II had it transferred to Alexandria. however in 390, Emperor Theodosius the fantastic brought it to Constantinople. To do that, he had it cut in three pieces. Today, only the top third survives.

Serpent Column. What people now phone call the “serpent column” was really just a part of the Tripod of Plataea, a monument developed at the temple of Apollo at Delphi to celebrate the Greeks win over the Persians during the Persian Wars. Emperor Constantine had it transferred to Constantinople’s hippodrome. The original structure had a golden bowl on top, supported by three serpents. only the bodies of the snakes, developing one column, stay today. The bowl was stolen by the fourth Crusaders as well as the snakes’ heads were destroyed after the 17th century.

Walled Obelisk. Standing on the southern end of the square, the 32m Walled Obelisk was developed from cut stones, decorated with bronze plaques, as well as topped with a sphere. It was set up under the orders of Constantine VII. However, the plaques were melted during the fourth Crusades in 1204.

4. Basilica Cistern

Nearest tram station: Sultanahmet
Entrance fee: try 10
mid-April to September 9am-6:30pm,
November to mid-April 9am-5:30pm

If you didn’t understand about this beforehand, you’d most likely miss this. The Basilica Cistern, colloquially called the Sunken Palace, is the largest of the numerous ancient cisterns beneath Istanbul. Byzantine Emperor Justinian had over 7000 slaves build these subterranean structures after the devastating riots of 532.

5. Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya)

Nearest tram station: Sultanahmet
Entrance fee: try 30
15 April-25 October 09:00-19:00,
25 October-15 April 09:00- 17:00

Hagia Sophia
Perhaps the most famous landmark in Turkey, Hagia Sophia can be seen as a microcosm of Istanbul. It was at first a Christian church: Orthodox Christian cathedral from 537-1204, 1261-1453, under the Byzantine Empire; Roman Catholic cathedral from 1204-1261, under the Latin Empire. It was then transformed into an imperial mosque during as well as after the Ottoman empire (1453-1931). however in 1935, it was converted to a museum (Ayasofya Müzesi).

Often regarded as one of the biggest examples of Byzantine architecture, it has a gigantic dome covering marble pillars as well as elaborate mosaics. It was likewise the largest cathedral in the world from its completion to 1520, eclipsed by Seville Cathedral in Spain.

Hagia Sophia
Inside Hagia Sophia
Inside Hagia Sophia
Inside Hagia Sophia
Inside Hagia Sophia
Some parts of the interior was still under reconstruction/restoration during my visit. A huge scaffolding occupied nearly a third of the site. Lit chandeliers hang from the majestic ceiling, with the dome’s windows enabling filtered lights in. connected to the columns are gigantic medallions bearing the names of Allah, Muhammad, as well as the very first four caliphs among others. These were added in 1847-49 during the restoration bought by Sultan Abdülmecid.

You would understand it wasn’t originally a mosque since the mihrab (prayer niche) was developed inside the apse at an angle. The mihrab need to always deal with the Mecca as well as the apse was developed without thinking about that since it was a Christian church at first.

Don’t fail to remember to go as much as the second level, where you might see outstanding wall artworks as well as mosaics that survived the lots of transformations of the place. Go peek out one of the windows as well as you’ll likewise see the blue Mosque.

6. Topkapi Palace

Nearest tram station: Sultanahmet
Entrance fee: try 30
October 26-April 15 9am-4:45pm
April 15 – October 26 9am – 6:45pm

Topkapi Palace
From Hagia Sophia, there will be indications that will lead you to Topkapi Palace, one of the residences of the sultans during the Ottoman rule. Sultan Mehmed II, who took manage of the city from the Byzantine, bought its building in 1459. Today, it is a huge museum complex, which may take rather a long time if you want to check out a lot of of it. a few of the most treasured artifacts inside are the cloak as well as sword of Muhammed, among other relics thought about holy in Islam.

The a lot of appealing part of the palace for me was the Harem, a 400-room building which sheltered the sultan’s mom (the Valide Sultan or Queen Mother), the sultan’s wives as well as concubines, as well as the rest of his family.

7. flavor bazaar (Mısır Çarşısı)

Nearest tram station: Eminönü
Entrance fee: FREE
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 8am-6pm, sun 8am-7pm

After your go to to Topkapi Palace, make your method to Gülhane station (or if you take the exit near Hagia Sophia, make your method back to Sultanahmet Station), as well as board the tram. get off at Eminönü Station. You’ll see the sensational new Mosque behind you if you’re dealing with the water. next to it is an unassuming building, the flavor Bazaar.

Spice Bazaar
Turkish Delights
Spice bazaar is referred to as Mısır Çarşısı in the vernacular, which actually equates to Egyptian Bazaar. The reason: it was developed in 1660 utilizing the incomes from the eyalets (primary administrative division of the Ottoman Empire) in Egypt. The covered market cradles 80 shops selling mainly spices, dried fruits, cheese, as well as other products. however what a lot of tourists come right here for is the Turkish pleasure (lokum), a wonderful delicacy based on a gel of sugar as well as starch. The confection is available in lots of flavors, however I have discovered the ordinary ones the best-tasting.

8. Galata Bridge (Galata Köprüsü)

When you emerge from the flavor bazaar, all you requirement to do is comply with the aroma of fried fish as well as you’ll get to the next stop.

Crowd thickens as the sun sets
One of the lots of fish stalls as well as restaurants
The Galata Bridge not only links the two sides of the golden Hors however likewise serves as a fishing area for locals. You’ll discover a great deal of them lined up on the bridge, waiting on their next catch. For tourists, it is a best perspective to enjoy the sunrise. however for this tour, it is where you’ll get your stomach refilled.

You’ll discover a lane of restaurants under the bridge. as well as on the adjacent square, you’ll see docked boats serving fish sandwiches (among others).

9. Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi)

Nearest station: Karaköy
Admission Fee: try 25
Opening hours: 9am-8pm

View of Galata Tower from Topkapi Palace
One of the city’s a lot of recognizable icons, the Galata Tower is a medieval tower that sticks out from city’s skyline in the Karakoy side of the golden Horn. The Romanesque-style cylindrical stone building was erected in 1348 as Christea Turris (Tower of Christ). It has nine stories as well as is 66.9 meters tall, making its balcony a great viewpoint. using a 360-degree view of Istanbul, it enables you to enjoy the sun set behind the other side of the golden horn. From here, you can see the blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, as well as Hagia Sophia, as well as experience the city transform into a blanket of lights at nightfall.

View of Hagia Sophia as well as Blue Mosque from Galata Tower
Lovers at Galata Tower Cafe
Hagia Sophia at night as checked out from Galata Tower
Istanbul at night as seen from Galata Tower
It has to be noted that the queue can be long as well as the balcony overcrowded. There is likewise a cafe as well as restaurant on the top. We tried the cafe as well as was shocked that it was not that pricey. however the food was disappointing.

Where to stay: We stayed at Puffin Hostel (cheap as well as recommended), W Istanbul hotel (excellent as well as extremely recommende

Lao San Cafe: Var man kan äta i Malacca, Malaysia

Ta med en tom mage, den dåliga resenären såväl som hans dåliga goda vänner Asta såväl som Ces skyndade sig tillbaka till Jonker Street för att upptäcka en plats att äta middag på. Tyvärr för oss var restaurangerna längs Jonker alla stängda för dagen. Det var redan klockan 9 så bra som vi just har slutfört Malacca River Cruise, för vilken vi tillbringade mycket tid på att vänta i rad. Medan gatamat överflödade den populära gatan den kvällen försökte vi hitta en plats där vi kan sitta ner och ha lämplig middag. Vi hade gått längden på gatan två gånger till ingen nytta; Vi fattade ett beslut att titta någon annanstans.

Vi vände oss mot den angränsande gatan, parallellt med floden, samt upptäckte ett ljust område – ett kafé, som fortfarande var tillgängligt för att tjäna oss. Medan vi verkligen hoppades att de serverade rismåltider, var vi verkligen inte i inställningen att välja vid den tiden. Vi gick in i caféet, valde ett bord med utsikten över floden och begärde menyn.

Det fanns inga rismåltider. Attans.

Platsen var Lao San Cafe, ett anspråkslöst hemtrevligt café på kanten av Malacca Chinatown vid floden. Menyn överlämnade till oss tillhandahöll drycker såväl som hemlagad cendol, som var de bästsäljarna. Vi frågade servitören om de serverade något fast.

Lao San Cafe i Melaka Chinatown på natten
“Dumplings,” sa han. “Vi har dumplings.”

CES, ASTA, liksom jag var överens om att det var tillräckligt mycket för oss. Vi blev verkligen svält vid den punkten såväl som vi skulle äta allt som inte strömmar eller smälter.

”Men,” sade servitören emellertid då tvekade. Han log.

“Men vad sir?” Jag frågade.

“Jag är livrädd för att det är fläsk,” svarade han.

“Oroa dig inte, vi gillar fläsk!” angav CES. “Åh, exakt hur vi gillar fläsk!”

Servitören förklarade att han trodde att vi var muslimer så han trodde att vi inte skulle vilja ha det.

När vi väntade köpte var och en av oss en drink. Jag hade ett glas korndryck medan mina två kvinnliga följeslagare hade ismongte och isvitt kaffe.

Ice White Coffee (RM 3,9), korndryck (RM 3.9) samt Ice Lemon Tea

Korns dryck var verkligen citronkornsdryck när citronen övermannade “korn” -smaken, vilket jag uppskattade. Det var citrussur och hade en tangy efter smak. En sak till jag gillade med det var att dess sötma var helt rätt. Det vita kaffet smakade som de vi får från Starbucks eller annat mycket mer framträdande café, förutom att det är mycket billigare. Av de tre dryckerna gillade jag Ice Lemon Tea mest, vilket tyvärr inte var min dryck. Te såväl som citronsmaker var båda extremt starka, vilket gjorde denna dryck till mycket kraftigare och mycket mer välsmakande version av de tråkiga vi får från andra restauranger. Jag gillade det verkligen.

Dumplingarna hade en extremt kort livslängd på våra plattor. Mindre än fem minuter efter att de serverades var de borta. Vi var verkligen så hungriga. Det var inget speciellt med dumplingarna men de smakade verkligen bra. Om något var serveringen ganska mindre än vad vi förväntade oss.

När vi slutförde maten, gick några båtar förbi såväl som att vi tyckte om turisterna nöje med sin kryssning. Vi fortsatte att tala om exakt hur bra det skulle vara om vi lyckades städa upp Pasig River och ha kaféer på sina banker, vilket gjorde det möjligt för människor att njuta av vågorna rulla nedströms och binda med naturen mitt i staden. Jag tror att det fortfarande kan vara möjligt men inte när som helst snart. Vi har mycket arbete att göra för att städa upp Pasig.

Hur som helst, medan Lao San Cafe inte kunde släcka vår växande hunger, var utsikten och atmosfären på platsen verkligen tillfredsställande. Det är inte eftersom maten inte var trevlig. Tvärtom, de smakade bra! Vi var bara väldigt hungriga. Dumplingarna var tillräckliga för att återuppliva vår energi för att upptäcka ytterligare en restaurang i området. Tyvärr verkade det verkligen som Heritage Town, med undantag för Jonker Street, redan sov. Vi slutade med att gorging på lite gatamat på stick i Jonker.

Fler idéer på YouTube ⬇

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Where To stay In Cozumel, Mexico: best areas & accommodation

deciding to visit Cozumel is easy, choosing where to stay on this stunning island can be a lot more of a challenge. In this post, I’ll share the best places to stay in Cozumel so you can take pleasure in the best dive, snorkel, or beach holiday.

We recently spent a week on Mexico’s popular vacationer island and are already planning our return.

At 48 km (30 mi) long and 16 km (9.9 mi) wide, Cozumel is a manageable size and no matter where you stay, you’re an easy drive to all points of interest.

Where to stay in Cozumel Mexico depends on what activities you want to do, whether or not you’ll have transport, and the style of accommodation you’re after. 

In this post, I’ll break down the main areas of the island, plus share some top accommodation options as well. 

Let’s take a look at the best places to stay in Cozumel for all types of travellers.

Central (Centro)
Southern Cozumel
Northern Cozumel
5 things To do in Cozumel
Vanliga frågor
Enjoy your stay in Cozumel

Central (Centro)

This part of the island is home to the majority of the action. The capital city (and only city) of San Miguel is where you’ll find the main square, lots of shopping, many restaurants and bars, and lots of accommodation options. 

Centro area of Cozumel island
This is where you must stay in Cozumel if you want to be within walking distance to everything — including the malecon, which is where you can walk and take pleasure in the sunset and lots of great beach bars.

For any individual who wants to be near the action, and within walking distance to everything, Centro is a great area to stay in Cozumel.

Where to stay in Centro Cozumel

We stayed at Stingray rental property which is a 4 room boutique rental property located just 3 blocks from the sea. all of the rooms face towards the shared pool and are elegantly created with new furnishings and paintings on the walls.

We really took pleasure in our stay at Stingray rental property (the pool was great)
Built in 2019, the new rooms offer a comfortable king-sized bed, tiled flooring, and a large shower room with granite countertops.

All of the amenities you could need are available here, from a hairdryer and seating areas to blazing-fast wifi and drinking water. Plus, you’ll find a coffee maker with Mexican coffee grounds, and a small fridge (perfect for keeping beer cold!). 

The friendly, experienced owners Greg and Silvia are around to help with anything you need.

We took pleasure in our quiet, 5-night stay here and highly recommend it. Click here to book direct (and receive the lowest price), or learn a lot more on Airbnb.

Our spacious room at Stingray Villa
Other places to stay in Cozumel in the center include:

Caribo Cozumel: a high-rated, budget option in central Cozumel. This property uses a common kitchen area and is located about a 12-minute walk to the malecon. 

Casa Mexicana Cozumel: this midrange place is directly across the street from the malecon and uses a sea view and a pool. The downside is that it can be noisy here.

go to booking.com

Southern Cozumel

When I say southern Cozumel, I indicate the area south of Centro to Playa Palancar on the southwest coast.

The south/southwest portion of Cozumel

In my opinion, this is where to stay in Cozumel for diving and snorkelling. But, it will come at a higher price identify than staying in Centro, and you will absolutely need a automobile to stay out here or hire a taxi to get around.

As you leave San Miguel city and head south of Centro, you’ll find fewer restaurants, bars, and small hotels. Instead, there are a lot more resorts, beach clubs, and just a handful of restaurants. 

There are also fewer people, and it’s less developed. So, it’s a tradeoff.

Many of the resorts and hotels here have their own private jetties, indicating that your dive boat can pick you up and whisk you away ideal from your doorstep — how cool is that?!

Most of the dive sites are located south of the center of the island. We went scuba diving with scuba Tony and were able to get a pickup at the jetty at money Bar. 

What service! scuba Tony picked us up ideal at our jetty

Where to stay in the South of Cozumel

We spent 2 nights at the Landmark resort and while it’s an expensive place, we took pleasure in our stay. built in a Greco-Roman style, with granite flooring and luxurious decor, the sea view rooms here are incredible. 

Due to the Dzul-Ha reef being just offshore, this is a great place to stayin Cozumel for diving and snorkelling.

Snorkel gear can be rented for $15 per day from the money Bar (restaurant and beach club), and if you’re diving with scuba Tony, they’ll pick you up ideal from the jetty.

The downside to staying here is that it’s much a lot more costly than the center, and you’ll absolutely need your own mode of transportation. Or, you’ll need to take a taxi to get to restaurants in town.

Click here to learn a lot more about the Landmark Resort, and click here to learn a lot more about the unit that we stayed in. 

Two-bedroom condominium at the Landmark Resort

Other places to stay in Cozumel on the west coast, south of Centro:

Occidental Cozumel: this all-inclusive resort is located quite far south, but pick-up is still available when diving! With 3 pools, a sea view, and a beach, this is a top choice when it pertains to places to stay in Cozumel. Lär dig mycket mer här.

Presidente Intercontinental: this stunning property has a private beach, 2 pools and uses a variety of dining options onsite. This is where to stay in Cozumel if you’re trying to find a luxury experience. Klicka här för att lära dig mer.

☞ related Post: 15 best beaches in Mexico

Northern Cozumel

This part of the island is a great place to stay if you’re interested in golfing, waterfront accommodations, and a quieter trip. Plus, some of the best restaurants are up in this area — Buccanos, La Monina and Hemingway.

The northern part of Cozumel is from around La Monina restaurant to the public beach as shown on the map below.

The northern end of the island of Cozumel

However, if you’re a scuba diver, this isn’t the best area to stay in Cozumel due to the fact that you’ll be far from the Marine Park, and scuba boats won’t pick you up here.

Where to stay in the North of Cozumel

Here in the northern hotel zone, you have the choice between apartments, well-known hotels such as the Westin, all-inclusives, and smaller boutique hotels as well. 

The Westin uses a private beach area, an outdoor pool, complimentary snorkelling equipment, and an onsite restaurant. You have the option to make this an all-inclusive stay if you wish.

Hotel B and its sister accommodation, hotel B Unique, are great options as well. special is a lot more adult-orientated with chic design and trendy style. rooms are oceanview or jungle here.  

Puerta del Mar is located farther north of Cozumel, but still within an easy drive of activities. This bed and breakfast has a private beach area and bicycles for rent. This is a great quiet option for accommodations on Cozumel. 

5 things To do in Cozumel

We’ve written an entire post on the fun things to do in Cozumel, so make sure to check that out here. But, here’s a teaser of the top 5 activities you won’t want to miss.

Scuba diving and snorkelling: The Mesoamerican Reef is 1,126 kilometers (700 mi) long and spans 4 countries — Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. Diving in Cozumel is some of the best in the world. join a scuba trip with scuba Tony and explore the underwater world.

Visit the Mayan Ruins: located in the northern part of the island, you’ll find the San Gervasio archaeological site. The Mayan ruins here aren’t as grand as Chichen Itza, but they are a lot of absolutely worth a visit (hire a guide onsite to show you around and bring the place to life.)

Watch Sunset: On the west coast of the island, you can experience magical sunsets each evening. While on the east coast, you’ll be able to see some spectacular sunrises! enjoy the sunset from any of the bars on the water, or on the malecon.

Visit Punta del Sur: This nature reserve is not to be missed. located on the southern part of the island, it doesn’t matter where you stay in Cozumel, make sure to drive here, take a tour, or hop in a taxi. At the reserve, you’ll find mangroves, beaches, lagoons, crocodiles, a lighthouse, and more. It’s a nature lover’s dream spot.

Drive around the Island: Ok, so you can’t actually circumnavigate the entire island. But, starting in Centro, you can drive south, and around the southern tip, before coming back up the island on the east coast. You will then cut inland and cross the island (taking the Transversal de Cozumel road) and head back to Centro. A road trip to the east coast is a must.

Don’t miss a trip to Punta Sur Park — a great place for nature lovers.
Vanliga frågor

Answers to common questions about choosing an area to stay in Cozumel.

Where to stay in Cozumel for an all-inclusive?

All of the all-inclusives on Cozumel island are on the western side of the island, with the majority being south of San Miguel city. check out the Occidental Cozumel or the Cozumel Palace.

Where to stay in Cozumel for diving?

It’s best to stay in central or southern Cozumel for diving.

The dive sites are mostly in the Marine Park and if you choose to stay south of Centro, you’ll a lot of likely be able to get picked up at your hotel’s jetty for a day of diving. If not, you will need to drive to the dive center.

Where to stay in Cozumel for snorkelling?

For snorkelling, it’s also best to stay in the south of Cozumel, on the wind-protected leeward side of the island.

While the best snorkelling is done from a boat trip where you can really get to the healthy reefs, there are lots of places where you can snorkel offshore — money Bar, Iberostar hotel, and Playa Palancar.

Scuba diving and snorkelling in Cozumel is a need to – no matter where you stay

Where to stay in Cozumel on a budget?

To save some cash, you’ll want to stay in the center of Cozumel. There are many Airbnbs, guesthouses, and shared accommodations here.

The accommodations are a lot more economical in Centro, yet lots of of them offer great value for money — such as Stingray rental property where we stayed.

Where to stay in Cozumel for the weekend?

Depending on what kind of weekend you want to have on Cozumel, you have a couple of options. For a fun, party weekend, you’ll want to stay in the center where you can walk to all of the restaurants and bars. 

For a quieter getaway, have a look at accommodations farther south out of the city, or north.

Where to stay in Cozumel near the airport?

If you’re staying anywhere in Centro, you’ll be close to the airport.

Cozumel’s airport is located downtown which makes early morning flights a breeze. find the airport on the map here. As an example, the drive from Stingray rental property in Centro to the airport is just 7 minutes.

Sunsets at Stingray Villa

How long must I stay in Cozumel?

Så länge du kan! lots of people visit Cozumel for a weekend trip — either from mainland Mexico, or from the USA. There are direct flights from lots of major us cities, making this a popular getaway.

People also opt to do day trips from nearby places such as Cancun and Playa del Carmen. But, if you have the time, spending a week in Cozumel will allow you to really take pleasure in the island at a slower pace.

What is the best side of Cozumel to stay on?

The west coast is where you must stay on Cozumel. The east is undeveloped, making it a great place for an interesting road trip, and there are some great spots for lunch as well. But, when it pertains to choosing where to stay in Cozumel, the west coast is your best option.

Is Cozumel safe?

Cozumel is one of the safer destinations for travellers in Mexico. It’s a popular cruise ship port, crime rates are low, and they take many precautions against COVID-19 here.

The normal common sense applies in Cozumel — don’t go on beaches at night by yourself, keep an eye on your belongings, and avoid all drug use.

For scuba divers, make sure you’re comfortable in the water and do a refresher dive if needed.

Cozumel is home to an international healthcare facility that has a Hyperbaric Chamber. always make sure you have proper travel insurance. As digital nomads, we use and recommend safety Wing (they also cover COVID-19).

Keep in mind that the sun is intense here and sunstroke is a real thing! wear a hat, long sleeves, and reef-safe sunscreen — especially when you’re on a boat. 

Always do your own research before checking out and speak with the locals to get the current “on the ground” information.

Enjoy your stay in Cozumel

Cozumel has a little

Saturday City: Överskattad Krakow

Det här inlägget skrevs ursprungligen 2012. Det är inte längre på min blogg men jag trodde att jag skulle dela den här som en väsentlig pekare av hur subjektiv resa är.

Jag ska bara säga det: Krakow, Polen, är en överskattad destination.

När jag reser genom Europa frågar människor mig alltid om jag ska kolla in Krakow.

“Nej,” svarar jag vanligtvis.

”Ohh, du missar verkligen. Det är en av de bästa städerna i världen, ”svarar de.

I år, när jag äntligen tog mig igenom Centr …

Hallå! Ledsen att avbryta men ….

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Antik reseguide med budgetresplan

Jag blev väckt från min sömn av de kalla dropparna av regn på min hud. I min långa blå klänning fann jag mig själv som kryper för att hitta skydd och förbättra mig själv i fiskarnas kvarter. Det var mycket mer öron öronaktigt i det trånga sovkvarteret när fiskefartygets enorma motor sputterade under, som en snarkande jätte. För att vara ärlig var det inte så jag tänkte på det skulle vara. När min vän, Kara, berättade för oss att vi kan sova när jag var i transit till Seco Island, föreställde jag mig våningssängar och färjor. Vi fick ett betydande fiskefartyg, använde presenningar för sängar och våra väskor för kuddar istället. Men gryningens eldiga skärm lovade en bättre dag.

Det var en resa utan lyx men fylld med ovärderliga uppvakningar. Antik är precis så. Det tar dig tillbaka till grunderna. Men även om jag kanske inte alltid hittar den typ av komfort som mycket mer utvecklade semestermål erbjuder, begick det definitivt med något mycket dyrare: ett välbehövligt tips som de bästa sakerna i livet är vanligtvis rena och enkla.

Vad behandlas i den här guiden?

Förstå antik
Hur man kommer till Antiquevia Antique Airport (Evelio Javier Airport)
Via Iloilo International Airport
Via Kalibo International Airport
Via Caticlan flygplats

Att komma runt antik
Var man kan bo i antikesökning efter mycket mer antika hotell!

Saker att göra i Antiquekawa Hot Bath
Tibiao Eco-Adventures Tour
Bugtong bato falls
Seco Island
Mararison Island
Malumpati kall vår
Naranjo Water Park
Aningalan Highland Strawberry Garden
Igbaclag grotta och stenslott
Nogas Island
Sira-en varm källa

Exempel på antik itineraryOption 1: Northern Antique Adventure
Alternativ 2: Southern Antique Adventure

Andra antika idéer för den fattiga resenären
Vanliga ställningar om antiqueis antik säkert?
När är den bästa tiden att kolla in antik?
Finns det bankomater i antik?
Vilka är de lokala produkterna från antik?
Hur är telefonsignalen i antik?
Vad är kraftuttaget som används i antik?

Fler idéer på YouTube ⬇ Relaterade inlägg:

Förstå antik

“Antik: där bergen möter havet.”

Beläget på den västra delen av Panay Island i västra Visayas -regionen (region VI), står hela västra sidan av Antique, från norr till söder, Sulu Sea och välsignar provinsen med mycket fler kuststäder än landstängda. De östra delarna gränsar till Aklan, Capiz och Iloilo. Antik består av 18 kommuner, San Jose (de Buenavista) är huvudstaden och även det mest folkrika. Bortsett från de robusta terrängen, naturliga underverk, stränder och öar, är provinsen också lastad med historiska platser. Alla dessa och mycket mer gör antika inte bara en ren resa eller dagsutflykt attraktion från dess andra välkända angränsande provinser utan en verkligt värdig semestermål.

Mer information om antik:

Plats: Antik är en del av Panay Island, som ligger i västra Visayas, Filippinerna.

Språk: Kinaray-A och Hiligaynon. Många av antikviteterna kan också tala och förstå tagalog och engelska.

Valuta: Filippinsk peso (PHP, ₱). PHP 100 är cirka 1,91 USD, 1,70 euro eller SGD 2,60 (från maj 2019).

Betalningssätt: Kontanter föredras. Från att skriva är många av bankerna, inklusive stora som BPI, BDO, Metrobank, PNB, DBP och Chinabank, belägna i San Jose, som ett resultat av bankomater är koncentrerade i huvudstaden. Robinsons plats och Gaisano Grand Mall har också bankomater. Var noga med att ta med dig tillräckligt med pengar innan du går till avlägsna områden.

Hur man kommer till antik

Philippine Airlines flyger till Antique, Iloilo, Caticlan och Kalibo.
Om du ser antik på en karta, kommer du att inse att den är formad som en sjöhäst, simning upp och ner mot Sulu havet (plus offshoreöarna Seco och Caluya). Genom att sträcka sig 155 kilometer från norr till söder kan du ange antik från någon av dessa gateways: Kalibo flygplats, Caticlan flygplats, Iloilo flygplats eller antik flygplats. Philippine Airlines flyger till alla dessa destinationer.

Via Antique Airport (Evelio Javier Airport)

Antik flygplats kallas också San Jose Airport eftersom den ligger i San Jose de Buenavista, provinshuvudstaden. För att undvika att förvirra det med San Jose Airport i Mindoro, låt oss bara kalla det antika flygplats i det här inlägget. (Det kallas officiellt Evelio Javier Airport.) Philippine Airlines använder Clark – Antik väg tre gånger varje vecka – tisdag, torsdag och söndag. Detta är det bästa alternativet för dem som reser till den södra delen av Antique inklusive städerna San Jose, Sibalom, Hamic, Tobias Fornier, Anini-Y, Belison, San Remigio, Patnongon, Valderrama och Bugasong.

Bortsett från dessa städer tycker de som reser till södra Iloilo -städerna – Miagao, San Joaquin och Guimbal – det mycket bekvämare och snabbare om de går in med antik flygplats.

Om du kommer från Manila, arbetar Genesis P2P -bussar mellan Manila (NAIA 3, Ortigas ochTrinoma) och Clark International Airport. Se schema här: Clark P2P -busschema

Från flygplatsen till stan är trehjulingpriset P10 per person. Du kan också anställa en trehjuling för P50-100, beroende på antalet bagage och plats i staden.

Via Iloilo International Airport

Ett bra alternativ för att kolla in de södra städerna Antique är Iloilo International Airport. Detta är ännu bättre om Iloilo är en del av din resplan. Flera flygbolag har direktflyg till Iloilo Airport dagligen.

På flygplatsen åker du en skåpbil till SM City Iloilo. Pris: P50.

Rida en taxi till Molo -terminal.

Ta en annan skåpbil till antik. Restid: Cirka 3 timmar. Pris: P180-200.

Om du planerar att gå direkt till de norra städerna Antique från Iloilo, kan du åka en buss på väg mot Culasi, Pandan eller Caticlan. Restid: 4-5 timmar.

Via Kalibo International Airport

Om du planerar att resa till den norra delen av antika som Pandan, Culasi och Tibiao, är Kalibo International Airport också ett bra alternativ. Olika flygbolag har direktflyg till Kalibo, Aklan dagligen.

Från flygplatsen kan du ta en trehjuling till Ceres bussterminal.

Gå ombord på en buss på väg till Pandan eller San Jose (beroende på din destination).

Gå av vid din destination. Om inte säker på ditt stopp, berätta för konduktören vart du ska och be dem meddela dig när det är ditt stopp.

Restid: 2-3 timmar.
Priset: P100+

Via Caticlan flygplats

Om du planerar att kolla in både Boracay och Antique kan du också välja Caticlan som din hopppunkt till antik.

Rida en trehjuling till Caticlan Jetty Port.

Runt bryggan hamnområdet, hitta Ceres -bussarna på väg mot antik.

Gå av vid din destination. Om inte säker på ditt stopp, berätta för konduktören vart du ska och be dem meddela dig när det är ditt stopp.

Restid: 2-3 timmar


Antique har två hamnar: Lipata Port i Culasi och San Jose hamn i provinshuvudstaden. Det finns planer på att ansluta Antique (Culasi-Caluya) till Mindoro med hjälp av FastCat. För tillfället är det tillgängliga alternativet för havstransit de avrullade färjorna från Manila till Caticlan. I brygghamnen letar du efter Ceres -bussarna på väg mot antik.

Att komma runt antik

Antique är ganska mycket fortfarande under radaren. Det finns jeepneys, trehjulingar, hyrda fordon och till och med habal-habal (motorcykeltaxi) som kan ta dig i staden och skyttla dig från stad till stad. Dessa är dock fortfarande begränsade och de följer scheman. Mycket av tiden måste du vänta på att jeepneysna ska fyllas med passagerare. Väntetiden kan vara 15 minuter till en timme, så om du pressas i tid kanske detta inte fungerar för dig.

För enkelhets skull kan du utnyttja service av resebyråer och utflyktoperatörer för paket som bäst passar din personlighet, dina behov och/eller din budget. Katahum -utflykter är en av de erkända utflyktsoperatörerna i antik. Den använder olika utflyktpaket och bär tjänster.

Katahum Excursions Kontaktuppgifter:

Mobil: +63 947 531 6518 (smart) / +63 917 450 3121 (Globe)
E -post: Fate@katahum.com eller katahumtoursantique@gmail.com
Webbplats: www.katahum.com
Facebook: Katahum Tours

Var man kan bo i antik

Även om San Jose är huvudstaden, har andra städer också ett respektabelt antal boende – hotell, vandrarhem, värdshus, pensionat och pensionshus. Tibiao, Pandan, Tobias Fornier, Mararison och Anini-Y är några av de städer som erbjuder logi till turister. Eftersom provinsen fortfarande är på sitt tidiga utvecklingsstadium när det gäller turistindustrin, förvänta dig inte att hitta femstjärniga hotell ännu. Många har grundläggande bekvämligheter som handdukar och toaletter; Andra levererar frukost, toalettartiklar, transporttjänst och utflyktpaket.

Här är de platser där vi stannade under vår tid i antik:

Esprutingkle Service Hotel (San Jose de Buenavista)

Aningalan Highlands Strawberry Garden (San Remigio)

Calawag Mountain Resort (Tibiao)

Kawa Inn (Tibiao)

Enrique de Mararison (Mararison Island, Culasi)

Pandan Beach Resort (Pandan). ✅ Kontrollfrekvenser och tillgänglighet!.

Sök efter mycket mer antika hotell!

Saker att göra i antik

För bekvämlighet kan vi gruppera listan nedan i två: norr och söder.

Nordens attraktioner inkluderar de från Pandan, Culasi och Tibiao kommuner. Dessa attraktioner är närmare den världsberömda Boracay Island i Malay, Aklan. Om du planerar att utforska både antik och Boracay men har begränsad tid att göra det, kan du ta itu med dessa attraktioner först. Dessa attraktioner är också mycket mer praktiska om du går in och går ut med Kalibo International Airport eller Caticlan Airport. Här är attraktionerna i norr.

Kawa varmt bad

Tibiao Eco-Adventures Tour

Bugtong bato falls

Seco Island

Mararison Island

Malumpati kall vår

Naranjo Water Park


Södra sträcker sig över städerna San Remigio, Patnongon, San Jose de Buenavista, Hamic, Tobias Fornier (tidigare Dao) och Anini-Y. Om du vill utforska båda iloilo end Antique, these attractions are workable especially if your gateway is either Iloilo international airport or Antique Airport.

Aningalan Highland Strawberry Garden

Igbaclag grotta och stenslott


Alpas (Tobias Fornier)

Nogas Island

Sira-en varm källa

Kawa varmt bad

You might have come across a post on Instagram showing a person “being cooked” in a large wok (vat or cauldron) complete with all those appealing “ingredients” such as flowers and leaves to make it a lot more colorful and interesting. This is Antique’s signature Kawa hot Bath. It’s Pinoy-style hot tub.

Antique is one of the largest producers of muscovado sugar in the Philippines. After extracting the juice from the sugarcane, it is then boiled in a kawa until it reaches a certain level of thickness to produce the sugar. The kawa eventually found another purpose that benefits the tourism industry of Antique. At present, you will find a lot of places and resorts using kawa baths. We tried ours at Calawag mountain resort in Tibiao where you get to choose the flavor for your bath — coffee, salt, milk, beer, and wine!

Location: Calawag mountain Resort, Barangay Tuno, Tibiao, Antique

Calawag mountain resort Kawa bath Rates:

Kawa Salt bath – P299+/person
Kawa Milk bath – P399+/person
Kawa Coffee bath – P399+/person
Kawa Beer bath – P399+/person
Kawa white wine bath – P599+/person

Other Fees:

Calawag entrance fee – P50+/person
Lumpiga – P399+/table
Picnic Table – P399+/table
Native Gazebo – P499+/gazebo

Tibiao Eco-Adventures Tour

While in Tibiao, there are other things to do aside from the kawa bath. Water adventure activities are fun, especially during the ideal season when the cascades and rapids are strong, normally from June to October. You can do basic or extreme water tubing and extreme kayaking down Tibiao River. After the thrilling yet fun water experience, you can kick back by pampering yourself with any of these — coffee body scrub, body massage, and fish spa. You can also combine water tubing with a body scrub, and capping it off with kawa bath.

Calawag mountain resort Rates:

Basic Water Tubing – P199+/person
Extreme Water Tubing – P499+/person
Extreme Kayaking – P899+/person
Tibiao Fish day spa – P119+ (30 minutes)
Foot massage – P249+ (30 minutes)
Coffee Body Scrub – P399+/person
Half-Body massage – P249+ (30 minutes)
Full-Body massage – P499+ (1 hour)

Katahum Tours’ Tibiao Eco-Adventure Day excursion Package: P2,249+/person
(Minimum of two pax)
Inclusions: nature trekking, Bugtong Bato Falls, Kawa Salt Bath, Hanging Bridges, swimming and boulder jumping at Tibiao River, natural jacuzzi, bird’s nest, check out Museo de Tibiao and original branch of Tibiao Bakery, motorbike ride around Tibiao, unrestricted Tibiao fish spa, Antiqueño lunch at Calawag mountain Resort, DOT-trained eco-guide, waterfalls guide, and entrance fees

Note: This is just one of the several excursion packages that Katahum excursions uses for Tibiao Eco-Adventure experience.

Bugtong bato falls

First tier (left); second and third tiers (right)
Bugtong Bato is normally included in package excursions organized by travel agencies, excursion operators, and hotels. The multi-layered falls, nestled at the mountainside community of Barangay Tuno in Tibiao, is one of the popular attractions in Antique. The waterfall system has seven tiers, but only three are frequented by tourists because they are the most accessible. You will pass by communities and rice paddies on the way to the waterfalls.

The first cascade can be reached after trekking for about 30 minutes from the jump-off point, which is also the registration area (landmark: barangay hall/covered court). After that, you will have to climb several steep steps to reach the second cascade. For those who want to challenge themselves, you can rappel your way up the third cascade where you can reward yourself with a cold dip in the pool. The third tier has the deepest pool and the most confined area. the best time to go is during the rainy season when the cascades are roaring, but be extra careful as trails will be muddy and slippery.

Location: Barangay Tuno


Posted: 8/26/2019 | August 26th, 2019

When I started my nonprofit foundation for discovering as well as youth travel education (FLYTE), my goal was to make worldwide travel available to low-income youth across the country, who are extremely passionate as well as wise however would never have the chance to travel abroad otherwise.

Earlier this year, we increased $15,000 to send a group of youngsters from visualize Academy to Colombia.

Located in Oakland California, visualize Academy utilizes an ingenious project-based discovering design to guarantee that its trainees — the majority of whom online below the hardship line — are prepared for post-secondary education as well as beyond. (Most are first-generation immigrants as well as will be the very first in their household to go to college.)

Last month, they returned from their interesting trip to the country so I wished to share a few of what they did as well as learned, so you can see what your support accomplished. For many of the students, it was their very first time in one more country and, needless to say, it had a huge effect on them.

Our group started in Bogotá, where they climbed to the top of Cerro de Monserrate as well as explored Plaza Bolívar, where Jeremy, the instructor leading the trip, provided a cross-curricular lecture about Simon Bolívar, Colombia’s history during the medication cartel years, as well as the design around them. They likewise went on a street art trip led by two regional artists, on which they discovered all about art methods as well as the political climate that prompted numerous of the pieces that they saw.

The trainees instantly started seeing commonalities between Oakland as well as Colombia. Darrilyn, a fifteen year old sophomore, remarked that this trip, her very first time out of the country, “changed my perceptions as well as preconceived notions of Colombia a lot, as well as I saw that it’s much more like house than I previously trodde.” She likewise “really delighted in this walking trip since I like art as well as I like graffiti since it’s unconventional art as well as it tells the story of a person.”

Afterward, the group headed to Cartagena. They got a ideal introduction to the city on a walking trip with our partner, Context Travel, during which they discovered a great deal about Cartagena’s history as a port for enslaved people. This resonated with the students, who stressed exactly how essential it was for much more people to have this knowledge. Kai, whose new passport got its very first stamp on this trip, had the realization that “when people believe about Latin America, they frequently don’t believe about people of African descent.”

Myani, who’s 17 as well as just graduated from visualize Academy, was similarly moved: “It’s inspiring in a method since even though our ancestors were enslaved, they made the city what it is. You can see their value to the community. even though there’s an oppressive connotation, since they were enslaved, flip it as well as make it a powerful lesson. Make it your own: My ancestors developed this city.”

On top of all this, the trainees immersed themselves in Colombian cuisine by taking a street food trip with Cartagena Connections. They tried whatever from ajiaco as well as arepas to bandeja paisa, mango biche, as well as a bubble gum soda.

One of the highlights of the trip was going to Cartagena’s Barrio San Francisco with Alex Rocha from Experience genuine Cartagena, whose trips are developed to make deeper connections with the marginalized neighborhoods of Colombia. (Alex’s business likewise operates as a social enterprise, as well as so the proceeds fund an after-school program for the regional community.) Our trainees had an chance to link with a few of these youth with activities like drawing, dancing, as well as soccer, in addition to with truthful conversations about their shared experiences.

Aliza, a sophomore as well as president of the trainee council who had never left the us before, felt that this was the highlight of her trip since she was able to “see the youngsters as well as comprehend their atmosphere as well as exactly how they online every day.” Jany, who is seventeen as well as served as the de-facto translator for our Spanish-speaking parents, showed on exactly how the youngsters she satisfied “make the very best out of what they have. They’re grateful as well as humble as well as always try to discover something positive.”

Tayvion, a 14-year-old who likewise was traveling abroad for the very first time, had a deep conversation with one of the Colombian youngsters about authorities brutality. When Tayvion asked if they had guns, his new buddy replied, “Yes, however they never shoot.” having drawn parallels as well as distinctions with his own community, Tayvion shared his devastating realization: “It made me believe about how, for officers in the U.S.,their very first instinct is just to shoot.” (To me, that’s a unfortunate statement coming from a youngster as well as just shows you up much authorities violence is an daily truth for numerous people in this country.)

Throughout this entire journey, the group took part in everyday reflections. They shared their experiences, discovered from one another, as well as bonded over exactly how they’d altered throughout the trip.

Joshua, a sophomore who had never even left California before this trip, stated that the most significant lessons he’d discovered were: “Do not take the things you have for granted. Do not be scared to try new things. Finally, don’t be frightened to discover about new people.”

Waldo, who is a junior, shared that, “we ought to be open-minded about other cultures as well as people ’cause we may discover some similarities between us as well as them. We shouldn’t judge a people or culture based on their past alone.”

These new experiences not only shifted their mindset, however they likewise made the trainees believe about their future as well as goals. Yasmeen told us, “I have a great deal of dreams. There are so numerous benefits in the US, as well as I’m not going to squander my time. I ought to travel much more as well as discover about different cultures.”

In addition to the understanding that she gained, Veronica shared that her “goals are to assist my neighborhood with any type of of the work that I do. I believe this trip is going to assist me accomplish that since I’ve realized exactly how similar my neighborhood is with the neighborhood of Cartagena. We can utilize other cities from different countries to assist each other with the problems we are going through.”

Similarly, Ronald, a trainee who was thrilled to relay his experiences with his stepmom (who’s from Colombia), shared that “this trip made me open-minded to different cultures as well as makes me suggest solidarity within neighborhoods in Oakland.”

And, in a quote I particularly love, Darrilyn stated of her time in Colombia: “My really hopes as well as dreams are to be a political analyst as well as to travel the world. This trip showed me there is no worry to travel.”

This is why FLYTE exists: to produce moments as well as lessons such as this for trainees so they can see the world outside their borders as well as dream big.

The experiences these trainees had in Colombia left an indelible mark on them. many of them had never been on a airplane before their trip to Colombia. Not only did they discover about the culture as well as history of one more country however they likewise found exactly how a neighborhood can increase up in times of adversity.

On the last days of their trip, the trainees started planning exactly how they’re going to take action back home. one of their concepts was to produce a mural, much like the ones they saw in Colombia, to inform others about exactly how Oakland continues to conquer its struggles.

Because of this trip, these youth now have a bigger comprehending of the world as well as the power they each have to modification it for the better.

And, so, our objective continues!

I want to say thanks to you for assisting make this happen! It takes an entire network of passionate individuals as well as companies to run one of these trips, as well as we wished to celebrate a few of our partners who made this trip such an unforgettable experience for our students:

World Nomads, which contributed all of our travel insurance. understanding that they had us covered for any type of unforeseen circumstances, like lost luggage, provided us such peace of mind.

Selian Hostel in Cartegena for offering trips as well as breakfast for the trainees totally free of charge.

Javier from MYGHT travel, who made the daunting process of booking flights for a group of 20+ a seamless as well as stress-free experience.

Context Travel, which dealt with us to craft unique, immersive experiences (at a discount!) for our students.

Alex Rocha from Experience genuine Cartagena for opening up his neighborhood to us as well as offering us with a deep connection to the fantastic people of Barrio San Francisco.

Bluffworks, one of our newest business partners, which covered the costs of three trainees to take this journey of a lifetime.

Allyson as well as the team from wikiHow, who highlighted us on their platform as well as sponsored one trainee on this trip.

The worldwide TEFL Academy, for contributing 50% of the proceeds from its instruct Abroad film celebration to FLYTE.

Lo & Sons, for matching donations during our wildly successful #GivingTuesday campaign as well as sharing our story with their audience.

Lia from useful Wanderlust, who paid her own method to join the trip as well as caught so numerous amazing pictures as well as videos. She was likewise the mastermind behind FLYTE’s IG stories during the trip! We like exactly how she was able to file the students’ experiencepå ett så autentiskt, kraftfullt såväl som påträngande sätt.

Sist, men definitivt inte minst, många tack vare det otaliga du som bidrog till Flyte. Din generositet genom åren har skickat 70 praktikanter på livsförändrade resor utomlands. Effekten av dessa resor sträcker sig utöver bara dessa ungdomar. Sedan av er kommer vågen av positiv modifiering att krusas med sina stadsdelar såväl som världen i stort. När de tar ledningen förstår jag utan en fråga om att vår framtid är ljus. Säg tack till er alla för att du har gjort en så oändlig inverkan!

När världen utvecklar väggar hjälper vi att riva dem och visa en ny generation att det finns mycket mer som förenar oss än att riva oss isär.

Om du vill upptäcka mycket mer om Flyte och exakt hur du kan hjälpa till att skicka mycket fler praktikanter utomlands, klicka här för mycket mer information.

Boka din resa: logistiska förslag såväl som tricks
Boka din flygning
Hitta en billig flygning genom att använda Skyscanner. Det är min föredragna bläddringsmotor eftersom den söker på webbplatser såväl som flygbolag runt om i världen så att du alltid förstår att ingen sten lämnas omvänd.

Boka ditt boende
Du kan boka ditt vandrarhem med Hostelworld. Om du vill stanna någon annanstans än ett vandrarhem, använd Booking.com eftersom de konsekvent returnerar de mest prisvärda priserna för pensionat och hotell.

Misslyckas inte med att komma ihåg reseförsäkring
Reseförsäkringsskydd kommer att skydda dig mot sjukdom, skada, stöld och avbokningar. Det är omfattande säkerhet i situationen allt går fel. Jag åker aldrig på en resa utan den eftersom jag har varit tvungen att använda den flera gånger tidigare. Mitt föredragna företag som erbjuder den allra bästa tjänsten och värdet är:

SafetyWing (bäst för alla)

Försäkra min resa (för de över 70)

Medjet (för extra evakueringstäckning)

Redo att boka din resa?
Kolla in min resurssida för det allra bästa företaget att använda när du reser. Jag listar alla de jag använder när jag reser. De är de allra bästa i klassen liksom du inte kan gå fel med att använda dem på din resa.

Shilin night Market: Where to eat in Taipei, Taiwan

We picked up a piece of the salmon in front of us as well as raised the chopsticks to our drooling mouths. The hotness of the freshly cooked morsels dominated at very first however within a few seconds’ linger, the taste took over our palates. Hannah, one of my blogger friends, turned to me as well as I threw the thrilled look back at her.

Hannah as well as I took one more bite as well as excitedly invited Mica to try it, too, who likewise discovered it very delightful. the best part, it expense only NT 100 (around PHP 130). The cut was a little thin however still, I question I’d discover a 130-peso salmon meal (with rice as well as soup) in Manila.

Fried salmon as well as prawns
That salmon was not the only gastronomic delight that made our trip to Shilin night Market miserable. Yes, miserable. It was just so agonizing to get bombarded by a gazillion mouth-watering dishes while carrying a not-so-empty stomach with very restricted capacity. the market is brimming with so much tempting street food, as well as I wished to try them all. It was tough picking what to try as well as what to try very first amidst the ocean of people that flooded through the doorway to the food court. The moment I made a decision to try one eatery, the seats would be occupied nearly magically. however that’s part of what makes Shilin night Market an experience on its own.

Shilin night Market: An Overview

Shilin night Market is one of the oldest night markets in the region with a history that can be traced back to as early as 1899 when it was just a location where only agricultural create was sold. In 1909, a daytime market was officially founded as well as was inaugurated in 1913. Taipei has developed quickly considering that then as well as the Shilin market with it. The surrounding blocks became house to lots of schools as well as establishments as well as the market has ended up being the go-to location for the growing number of patrons. Today, it comprises the primary building as well as the side alleys. Shilin opens in the late afternoon, between 4-5pm as well as closes at around 1am.

Exploring Shilin night Market

As early as we hopped onto the close-by bus stop, even before we might go into the market proper, we were greeted by a lane of stalls selling a salmagundi of finger foods for the pastry lovers like the cream-filled Japanese cakes, for the health and wellness conscious like fresh fruit chunks, as well as for the adventurous like boiled innards as well as blood blocks. While I was absolutely tempted, I tried my hardest to neglect them for I was saving my voracious appetite for what was inside the market.

The market is composed of two levels of labyrinths. The ground floor as well as the adjacent alleys home mainly souvenir product shops, apparel stores, as well as fruit stands. At one of the mouths of the alley are stores selling Taiwan souvenir tee shirts as well as other memorabilia. To the ideal are a lot more clothes as well as shoes stalls. likewise present are a lot more branded stores including Giordano as well as Adidas branches.

I don’t even understand what these are…
Shilin night Market Ground Floor
Tucked in a corner by the entrance is a staircase that leads to the basement, hosting a maze of food stalls using a large variety of Taiwanese delicacies as well as Oriental favorites. some of the most typical as well as a lot of prominent right here are fried squids, grilled poultry tails, breaded poultry (fried poultry steak), Taiwanese sausages, fried buns, as well as oyster omelette among others, served by the food court’s nearly 540 stalls as well as eateries.

Shilin night Market: Food Court
Entrails, anyone?
A dash of Japan: Japanese cakes!
Seafood Overload: Fried crabs, fried squids, tempura! #SakitSaBatok
One of the food stalls we identified promptly was an eatery serving mainly quick-fried dishes. I bought a slice of salmon, Hannah a serving of prawns, as well as Mica oyster omelette. The fascinating part was that they cooked the dishes on a large fryer in front of us as we sat there waiting, watching, drooling. When the meal was ready, they lay down a foil on the fryer as well as just placed the food on it, keeping it warm the whole time.

Aside from the salmon, I had a couple of sticks of poultry tails, Taiwanese sausages, as well as red bean sandwiches. washed them all down with a cup of grape shake. The typical grapes in Taiwan are darker, bigger, as well as sweeter, so having that cup was refreshing in a lot more ways than one. I even ended up getting a lot more items for takeout.

Frugal Mode! We were provided TN200 worth of vouchers as well as stalls with signs like this one accept them! We ended up spending nearly nothing at all.
Sure, night markets are not special to Taipei. Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia as well as lots of others have them, too. Every night market has its own character, as well as Shilin absolutely hasen av de starkaste. De bländande lamporna av färgglada tecken, den inbjudande lukten av de hypnotiska delikatesserna, de oemotståndliga samtal från vänliga hökare, liksom den intensiva konkurrensen om rymden samlas för att göra nattmarknadsscenen i Shilin till en intressant och grundligt tillfredsställande upplevelse som får inte missa om du checkar ut Taipei.

Du kan också boka hotell såväl som utflykter med hjälp av AirAsiago! Besök deras webbplats på www.airasiago.com, som dem på Facebook på www.facebook.com/airasiago.ph, samt följa dem på Twitter på www.twitter.com/airasiagoph

Shilin Night Market
Öppettider: 16.00-1.00

Fler idéer på YouTube ⬇

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5 ways To save money on Airfare

Whenever you sit down on a plane, there’s a good chance that the person sitting next to you paid far less than you did. This isn’t always because they booked early or had a travel agent find them a deal, it’s normally because they know a few easy tricks to save money on flights.

Dariece and I have been travelling for 7 years and have taken many flights in that time.

Our experience has taught us some severe money-saving tricks. In this article, I’m going to share my secrets with you to make sure you can board your next flight with the confidence that you found the best deal possible.

See Also: 21 Hacks To save money On All Travel-Related Bookings Online

1. use The ideal Booking Engine

By using a booking engine with the ideal features, you can save some severe money on flights. depend on me, not all flight booking sites are created equal. A colleague of mine recently introduced me to JustFly.com. This site has all of the features that make a terrific flight booking engine.

Just Fly is a flight aggregate service like Google Flights & Kayak, but it also uses price adjustments and purchase guarantees. Their overall mission is to sell the least expensive airline tickets possible, assemble the most advanced team of travel experts in the world to help customers make the ideal purchase, maintain an efficient and technologically stable platform and innovate the market while not imitating any other service.

This site works like a lot of other booking engines, but allows you to choose the most popular flights with the shortest flight times and the least expensive price. It also shows you alternative dates so if you’re flexible, you can save money by flying on a different day.

The site also has a terrific support team that can you can actually call to ask for help. That’s something I haven’t really seen before and is a feature that would be terrific for beginner flight bookers.

2. clear Your Cache

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, any time you’re booking flights you must clear your cache or search in incognito mode. flight booking sites can be evil. They track customers returning to the site time and time again and they’ll actually jack up the price to try to urge buyers to make a purchase.

This is urgency marketing at its best (and a lot of annoying), but thankfully you can avoid it with a few quick clicks of the keyboard. simply follow the instructions in this post and search for the same flight again. If you’ve been tracking the flight for a week or two, the airline or flight booking site has been tracking you too.

After clearing your cache, you’ll likely see a price that’s $50 – $200 cheaper. just look at what we saved on a recent flight from Costa Rica to Cuba. We saved $125 / ticket ($250 total) just by clearing the cache.

This is the same exact flight searched on the same exact site within seconds of each other. The top image is with a cleared cache!
Note: Clearing the cache is different for every browser, here are instructions for the most common ones:

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer



3. Book At The ideal Time

According to a 2014 study conducted by CheapAir.com, the optimal time to book your flight is 48 days (about 7 weeks) before your proposed departure date. There is a lot of dispute surrounding this hack, but CheapAir’s study was pretty detailed and from experience I can say that I agree with the results.

If we book our flight too early, we typically see the prices go down closer to, while last-minute bookings are nearly always a lot more expensive. try to start searching for flights 48 days before departure, book it and stop looking after that… enjoying prices change can drive you crazy!

4. Book flight & Hotel

Have you ever noticed that you can choose to book your flight with a hotel on a lot of major flight booking engines? What you may not have known is that by clicking this tab, you can access secret savings that are only available to those who book their flight as a package with accommodation.

I’m not talking about booking an all-inclusive holiday or a excursion package. All you have to do is click the “Hotel+Flight” tab and book a hotel with the flight. seems easy enough right?

On a recent sample booking we conducted on a flight from Vancouver to Bangkok, we saved over $100 on the flight cost by including a hotel in the booking. and you can choose a low-cost hotel and only stay one night as well. These are substantial savings.

5. use Your best rewards credit scores Card

You shouldn’t just use your rewards card for flight booking. You must use it for emycket köp möjligt. Vi använder TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite* -kort för alla våra inköp och vi får 1,5% tillbaka i poäng för varje cent vi lägger på kortet. Det fantastiska är att om vi bokar med Expedia för TD får vi 3x poäng som slutar vara 4,5% tillbaka i resan.

Till och med de bästa amerikanska korten får bara 3% i resebelöningar så för en gångs gång kan kanadensare hävda att de har det bästa kreditpoängkortet för resor (vanligtvis är amerikanska kreditpoängkort mycket bättre).

Det finns vanligtvis en $ 120 årsavgift för det här kortet, men om du öppnar ett allomfattande bankkonto hos TD får du det här kortet gratis. Om du spenderar $ 2 000 / månad på första klassens obegränsade visum, kommer du i slutet av året att ha över 1 000 dollar belöningar att spendera på resor.

Det här kortet är bara för kanadensare, men många länder har ganska bra belöningskort. För amerikaner, kolla in det här inlägget av WiseBread som listar de bästa belöningskreditkorten för resenärer.

Boka smart & spara pengar

Du behöver inte vara en expert resehacker för att spara pengar på flyg. Om du tar bort något från det här inlägget måste det vara att alltid rensa din webbläsarcache och boka flyg med ett bra Credit Credit -kreditkort. Dessa två grundläggande saker kan bokstavligen spara tusentals dollar / år på resor och flygbokningar.

Vad är du idéer och tricks för att spara pengar på flygbiljetter? Berätta för oss i kommentarerna och hjälp oss att spara lite pengar!

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